The Sacred Voice Therapy Northwest London and Central London

Monika Vrbjarova Counselling and Psychotherapy in Paddington and online.

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I offer Short-Term and Long-Term Transpersonal Integrative Psychotherapy and Counselling.

I have named my website as the Sacred Voice Therapy, because I truly believe we all have that innermost voice within us. Some call it "gut feeling" others "intuition". However we "label" it, it is always there for us to access it.

"Live your best life."

Are you looking for a long lasting Change? Are you questioning the point of it all? Are you curious about your full potential? Do you want to live your life boldly and fully? Do you have questions around true emotional intimacy? Are you wondering about your inner peace and equanimity?

"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are." Carl Jung

My areas of interest and experience are

- Low Self-Esteem and Issues With Self-Worth.
- Anxiety and Depression.
- Grief and Bereavement.
- Suicidal Ideation.
- Existential Life Crisis. ( For example, Loneliness and Alienation)
- Unresolved Childhood Trauma.
- Issues with Masculinity and Femininity.
- Relationship and Sexual Issues.
- Exploration and Integration of Psychedelic Experiences (in a Safe Space, with Respect and Dignity).
- Questions around the Spiritual Dimension to Everyday Life.
- Shamanic Healing Sessions.
- Bereavement, Miscarriage, Termination of Pregnancy, Childless not by choice.

I am registered with UKCP and BACP.

"A ship in a harbour is safe but that is not what ships are built for."
John A. Shedd

"Man cannot discover new ocean unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore"
Andre Gide

"The time is now."

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